
Become a sponsor to support the Awards and recognise leading venues throughout the industry

    • A table of 10 to the Venues Innovation and Partnership Awards, with preferential seating and the option to purchase further tickets at the supporting sponsor’s 10% discount.  

    • Exclusive branding as the lead sponsor across all marketing materials and the event. 

    • Prime placement of logo and company profile across event communications.  

    • Speaking opportunity at the awards ceremony. 

    • Extensive media coverage and promotional features.  

    • Premium table positioning at the event.  

    • A table of 10 to the Venues Innovation and Partnership Awards, with preferential seating and the option to purchase further tickets at the supporting sponsor’s 10% discount.  

    • Recognition as the sponsor of a specific award category.  

    • Prominent logo placement on category related materials and announcements.  

    • Inclusion in marketing campaigns and event promotions.  

    • VIP seating and networking opportunities at the event.  

    • 2x tickets and the option to purchase further tickets at the sponsor’s 10% discount  

    • Branding as a sponsor of an individual award.  

    • Name recognition on award presentation materials.  

    • Invitation to present the sponsored award during the ceremony. 

    • Inclusion in event promotions and branding